Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Glog: Who Lives in the Ocean? Pre-k

I absolutely loved creating and using Glogster for my ocean topic in a preschool classroom. Glogster really is like using an electronic poster board for project purposes. It can be useful in the elementary grades as well as high school for students to create assignments such as book reports, science experiments, math lessons, presentations, biographies and more. It can also be useful for the teachers to incorporate and use as a lesson for the day. I love the fact that you can upload videos (created by the individual, YouTube), pictures, links, audio, and various texts. I incorporated many pictures in my Glogster link and focused on art activities, books about the ocean, sensory tables, videos, and vocabulary. It was easy to upload, navigate, and create my Glogster link. I will absolutely utilize this website in my future classroom in whatever grade I have the privilege to teach.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Concept Map

I had a lot of fun creating my concept map for this course. I will absolutely use this particular app, called Popplet, in my future classroom. This website can be used as either a preplanned lesson created for the class, or even as a group or class project/lesson for students to complete on the smartboard. Once students can navigate through the site, they will be able to create fun and exciting topics with facts that they learn from books, magazines, or the internet. I love the fact that you can add pictures, draw, and insert things from vimeo, youtube, or your desktop. It was very easy to navigate through this site so I feel that many students shouldn't have too many difficulties creating concept maps on their own. The concept map topic that I decided to create on Popplet was living a healthy lifestyle. I believe it is extremely important for our students to learn and understand the importance of a healthy balanced life. It is important for children to learn about the benefits of eating healthy, exercising, personal hygiene and taking care of their teeth. It is not as effective to just tell kids to eat their vegetables and brush their teeth. I think that it is more meaningful for them to be educated about these topics instead of being told what to do. I for one cannot wait to use concept maps in my classroom using Popplet!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Comic Strip

Hey Everyone, 

Above is the comic strip I created with Lindsay Krivitsky. Lindsay and I discussed the importance of technology in the classroom and how it can effect the class in both positive and negative ways. In this comic strip the boy was looking for an answer on his phone without thinking about it on his own. Although there are countless advantages for the use of technology in the classroom, students should be encouraged to participate (even if they aren't sure of the answer) and show an effort without having to use the internet for answers. 
Hope you enjoyed the comic strip! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pinterest Account

Hello Everyone, 

I have created an educational pinterest account with a board devoted to learning about hygiene. I think this is an important topic to learn at any age. Teachers can make this topic engaging by using fun experiments and activities for students to complete throughout the lesson. Another fun way to incorporate hygiene lessons could be to take a field trip to the dentist and talk to the doctor about any questions students may have. 

Please take a moment and follow me on pinterest using the link below… 
