Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hello Classmates!

Hello Everyone, 

Welcome to my first blog page ever! My name is Evelyn and I have lived on Long Island my entire life. I graduated at Hofstra with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology back in 2012 with a focus on childhood development. I enjoyed learning about child development so much that I decided to get a Dual Master's in Early Childhood Education/Childhood Education. This is my second semester here at Hofstra and I am looking forward to expand my knowledge about children and learn more this upcoming semester from my professors as well as my fellow classmates. One of my goals as a teacher is to not only educate students in numerous school subjects, but also to act as a mentor and good role model. I believe that teaching is extraordinary and truly inspires the lives of countless students. 

I am also a firm believer in the early childhood years that play is both crucial and beneficial during years of development. My previous job experience in education was in a three-year-old classroom and I encouraged free play frequently. It was astonishing watching the students behaviors and interactions with one another at such a young age. I believe play in both the younger and older grades is a great way to not only learn but to grow as individuals. 

Please check out these great youtube videos on the importance & benefits of play :)

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