Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Please follow me on Twitter!

Hello Everyone!

Please follow me on Twitter when you have a moment! @MissGatzonis

I am truly excited to share and post new ideas, articles, inspirational quotes or educational videos on my new twitter account. Twitter is a great way for students to communicate, share and reach out to their classmates and friends. If used properly, students may be able to find more reliable resources as well as read and understand multiple views and opinions regarding a plethora of subjects. 

Hello Classmates!

Hello Everyone, 

Welcome to my first blog page ever! My name is Evelyn and I have lived on Long Island my entire life. I graduated at Hofstra with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology back in 2012 with a focus on childhood development. I enjoyed learning about child development so much that I decided to get a Dual Master's in Early Childhood Education/Childhood Education. This is my second semester here at Hofstra and I am looking forward to expand my knowledge about children and learn more this upcoming semester from my professors as well as my fellow classmates. One of my goals as a teacher is to not only educate students in numerous school subjects, but also to act as a mentor and good role model. I believe that teaching is extraordinary and truly inspires the lives of countless students. 

I am also a firm believer in the early childhood years that play is both crucial and beneficial during years of development. My previous job experience in education was in a three-year-old classroom and I encouraged free play frequently. It was astonishing watching the students behaviors and interactions with one another at such a young age. I believe play in both the younger and older grades is a great way to not only learn but to grow as individuals. 

Please check out these great youtube videos on the importance & benefits of play :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Self Portrait

Here is my Picasso head self portrait that I created on This assignment was fun and exciting to complete. I was able to learn a little about myself with this particular task. Even though my background knowledge of a Picasso piece is typically asymmetrical and unusual, I personally tried very hard to make my self-portrait look somewhat appealing and symmetrical. Even though this portrait looks nothing like me, I still have pride in my own work and accomplishments. One of my main goals as a teacher is to inspire children to do their best and be proud of each and every one of their accomplishments.